Marine Advisor to the Clean Combustion Research Center
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

Captain Walter P. Purio currently serves as a marine advisor to the Clean Combustion Research Center at the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and serves on the advisory board of the Centre for Business Data Analytics at the University of Western Australia.
Captain Purio served as a Director of the Pilbara Port Authority in Australia and was Non Executive Chairman of rise-x.io, a global blockchain native cloud based ecosystem operating platform company and served as an advisor to the board of ADP Clear, a blockchain multiparty workflow digital bunkering company in Singapore. He was the inaugural CEO and founding director of the non profit LNG Marine Fuel Institute. In 2021 Captain Purio was elected chair of the Asia Pacific committee for the Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel (SGMF), a non governmental organisation with consultative status to the UN’s International Maritime Organisation, and was a member of the SGMF board. Captain Purio has served as the Chair of Governors for the non profit Leeuwin Ocean Adventures Foundation, which provides at sea team building, collaborative learning and personal development onboard the sail training vessel Leeuwin for the youth of Western Australia.