The International Call for Call for Projects and Papers - organized by GET24 has launched
The International Call for Call for Projects and Papers - organized by GET24 has launched


Author: Milano Finanza

The Call for Projects and Papers», Get24's first initiative Global Energy Transition Congress and Exihibition, launches. This is an international call for new projects, technological solutions, visions, proposals and ideas to accelerate the energy transition.

Taking place at the Allianz MiCo Milan Convention Center from 1 to 3 July 2024, Get24 is a forum that aims to unite the energy sector and high-carbon industrial ecosystems to accelerate the energy transition through decarbonisation technologies to contribute to achieving net zero ambitions. It will host one of the largest cross-sector meetings in the world, involving institutional figures, CEOs, net zero experts and key players in the global energy transition to foster innovative partnerships and promote policies to support paths towards significant and urgent emissions reductions.

The Milan event will also be an unprecedented opportunity for leaders in the energy, low-carbon solutions, utilities and hard -to-abate sectors such as cement, steel , mining industry, as well as for finance, digital technology and start-ups, to establish innovative partnerships, generate new business opportunities around decarbonisation efforts and promote sustainable policies.

The international call

This includes "Call For Projects And Papers", an international call that aims to inspire action, unlock funding and promote business innovations for a regenerative global economy. Aimed at leaders in energy, innovators in low-carbon solutions, finance, big tech and hard-to-abate industries, the call invites technology specialists, entrepreneurs, data scientists, engineers, strategic managers , researchers, policymakers and financiers to contribute with projects and papers by February 1, 2024 (through the portal )

The call gives the opportunity to highlight the key elements of their initiatives, such as environmental and social impact, costs and returns, technologies used and timing. This will allow them to inspire others and get feedback on whether the project can be adapted and replicated in the market. For projects awaiting the final investment decision, participation will represent a unique opportunity to present to potential investors projects that are ready to contribute to net zero actions, but which have not yet raised funds.