The chemical industry is a key enabler of modern life, producing vital products, such as fertilisers, plastics and coatings for solar panels. The global plastic market is expected to expand at a compound annual rate of 3.7% between 2022 and 2030 whilst recycling plastic waste and investing in sorting and reprocessing facilities would deliver economic benefits of over £3bn across 25 years in the UK alone. The path to reducing emissions from this sector will mirror other industries, with a focus on the use of alternative feedstocks and process decarbonisation, presenting opportunities for cross sector collaboration.
Reasons to sponsor and exhibit at GET
- Showcase a range of low-carbon and zero-emission heavy-duty vehicles and equipment, including trucks, hydrogen fuel cell buses, and advanced biofuel-powered machinery.
- Highlight technological innovations and advancements that make these solutions cost-effective, efficient, and suitable for a wide range of applications in the energy and manufacturing sectors.
- Showcase cutting-edge battery technology for electric vehicles and energy storage solutions that cater to the heavy-duty sector's unique requirements.
- Highlight fuel-cell advancements, such as increased efficiency, extended range, and faster refuelling times, for hydrogen-powered vehicles and machinery.
- Highlight collaborations with energy and manufacturing sectors to provide integrated, sustainable solutions for energy storage, transportation, and machinery needs.
Reasons to speak at or participate at GET
- Meet experts in the field of renewable and alternative energy, and innovators focused on the challenge of lower carbon energy optionality on the mining sector.
- Join senior leaders from hard to abate industries, including the cement sector, to discuss holistic and full value chain approaches to Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions reduction.
- Highlight responsible and sustainable mining practices, including efforts to reduce the environmental impact of resource extraction and land reclamation.