Were you unable to attend GET Congress 2024? We’re providing you with access to a selection of the best presentations from the Roadmaps to Net Zero conference.

The Road Maps to Net Zero Conference was curated via an international call for papers. We received over 500 submissions, from four continents and 52 countries.

This is a selection of the highest rated entries.

All submissions were peer reviewed by our cross-industry panel of experts.

Once you have decided to submit a project, please create an account via our online portal to begin your submission.


Exemplary Projects

GetH2 Nukleus: A 200MW green hydrogen project

Lingen GETH2 Nukleus, with a total capacity of 200MW, is the world's largest H2 EPC project currently underway based on Proton Exchange Membrane technology. It will produce around 35,000 tons of green hydrogen per year, linking renewable energy, production centres and storage to a nationwide pipeline infrastructure in Germany.

Project partners: ITM, Linde Engineering, Linde Gas, RWE

FID: Pending

Ravenna CCS phase 1 and 2

The Ravenna CCS project, a joint venture between Eni and Snam, will accelerate the decarbonisation of industrial hard-to-abate activities. Eni’s depleted gas reservoirs in the Adriatic Sea will be converted to permanent geological carbon storage sites, generating €1.5 billion in added value for the Italian economy and creating 18,000 new jobs.

Project partners: Eni, Snam

FID: Yes

How a Canadian ferry operator slashed the well-to-wake carbon intensity of its vessels

Seaspan Ferries Corporation’s (SFC) cargo vessels provide a vital link between Metro Vancouver and neighbouring Vancouver Island. As part of its commitment to reducing air emissions and preserving the local environment, SFC has slashed the well-to-wake carbon intensity of its vessels by 90%.

Project partners: Seaspan Ferries, Wärtsilä

FID: Yes

Largescale, multisite deployment of turboexpanders

Sapphire Technologies will install turboexpander units across Tallgrass’s entire US natural gas pipeline network, generating up to 189 GWh of annual clean power when fully operational. This will offset an equivalent of ~ 144,000 tons-CO2e per year – enough to power 700 homes in New York City.

Project partners: Sapphire Technologies, Tallgrass Energy

FID: Yes

Exemplary Papers

From Vaca Muerta to Green Horizons: Argentina's decisive energy shift

An abundance of resources including natural gas, renewables, and lithium mean that Argentina will play a critical role in the global energy transition. The country plans to meet global sustainability goals through a diverse range of policy and strategies, including adoption of nature-based solutions and expansion of renewable energy capacities. Despite a significant reliance on hydrocarbons, a longer-term commitment to clean exports demonstrates Argentina’s centrality to a carbon-neutral future global economy.

Variable geometry gas turbines to reduce the CO2 emissions of datacentres: A case study

Supercomputing, cloud technologies, remote working, and 5G networks all rely on robust digital infrastructure and, crucially, datacentres. Datacentre power demands fluctuate according to workload, with a knock-on impact for energy efficiencies. This paper will explore how variable geometry gas turbines can optimise energy efficiency, particularly during periods of low demand.

How can the oil and gas sector support a just transition to a lower-carbon world?

Governments, international agencies, labour organisations, businesses and NGOs agree on the importance of a just energy transition. In 2021, Ipieca set up a Task Force to research a range of local, national, and international just transition initiatives. This paper will cover their key findings since 2021.

Decarbonising hard-to-abate industries at scale with turbo heater technology

High-temperature industrial processes are often dependent on fossil fuels. Siemens Energy's Turbo Heater, leveraging electric motor-driven turbomachinery, offers a scalable, fossil fuel-free solution capable of exceeding 1000°C. Successful testing of the technology shows promise for hard-to-abate industries, potentially unlocking further value through user collaboration.

Download the exemplary projects and papers